🏗️ From Foundation to Facade: Kicking Off the Construction Phase

Joel Rosa
3 min readSep 25, 2023

Hey all you deal-makers, jet-setters, and empire-builders!

Welcome to the main stage, where the dream of your Mid-Century Modern oasis in sunny Portugal finally turns concrete — literally.

Now, if the word ‘construction’ makes you as uneasy as a cat at a rock concert, you’re in for a treat.

Here’s how to embrace the chaos and come out with a home that’s your very own backstage sanctuary. 🌟

1️⃣ Setlist First: Plan, Plan, and Plan!

Just like a great concert requires a killer setlist, your construction journey needs meticulous planning.

And trust me, this isn’t the boring kind of planning you dodge in your board meetings.

It’s visual, it’s tactile — it’s picking the beats of your future life one room at a time.

From tiles that scream “Bowie” to a fireplace that radiates “Sinatra,” getting to pick your home’s features is like creating your own album. 🎶

2️⃣ Soundcheck: Prepping the Site

Before the first guitar strum, you need a soundcheck, right?

In construction-speak, that’s prepping the site for action.

Hire pros to handle this.

That euphoric moment when the first brick is laid down is like the first chord of your favorite rock song — it just feels right. 🎸

3️⃣ Roll with the Punches: Navigate Challenges with Swagger

Things will go wrong. Yep, you heard me.

Your dream tiles will be out of stock, or the custom tub will arrive a shade darker.

When that happens, remember: Rolling Stones didn’t become legends by fussing over wrong chords.

They improvised, and that’s what you’ll do!

4️⃣ Tour Manager: Meet Your Site Supervisor

Now, construction has its divas and prima donnas, from grumpy plumbers to paint colors that look nothing like the brochure.

But hey, you don’t fret.


Your site supervisor is your tour manager in this show, so pick wisely.

You want someone who’s as obsessed with details as you are with your bottom line.

Their job is to ensure that the brick ’n’ mortar incarnation of your home doesn’t lose its soul (or your money).

5️⃣ Stay In Tune: Regular Check-ins

I know you’re busy.

You’re probably closing a merger or launching a startup as you read this.

But take time to visit the site or do virtual check-ins.

Think of it as autograph sessions for your fans (contractors and designers); your presence can make all the difference.

6️⃣ Eco-Coda: Make It Green, Keep It Clean

Incorporate sustainability, not as an afterthought but as a crucial verse in your home’s composition.

Solar panels, rainwater harvesting, or even a simple herb garden can make your home a hit on the eco-charts.

7️⃣ The Final Act: Celebrate Milestones

Don’t just pop champagne when the house is done; celebrate the little wins along the way.

First wall up? Party!

Electricals done without a hitch? Break out the confetti.

It makes the process less stressful and a whole lot more fun.

🎶 Encore: Be the Hero of Your Home Story

So, there you have it.

The construction phase is a rollercoaster.

But remember, even the most iconic rock songs have their crescendos and their quieter moments.

The key is to enjoy the ride, knowing that you’re not just building a house, but a family sanctuary.

Here’s the rub: every chord struck, every nail hammered, is setting the stage for the real rockstars — your family.

In their eyes, you’re not just building a house, but a home where every room has a tale, every corner holds a melody.

So, with these tips, go forth and create your very own ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ or ‘Hotel California’ — except, in this case, you’ll actually want to stay forever. Ready to jam? Give us a shout; we’ve got the perfect setlist for your construction phase.

Rock on, future homeowners, rock on! 🎸🏠🤘



Joel Rosa

✅ Architect in Lisbon | Specialist in Mid-Century Modern Homes | Entrepreneur | Property Advisor